Author Archives: mregmeyers

About mregmeyers

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

The Broken Bowl Project


I want to do this over the weekend.



Description: The bowl represents us as an individual, we are vessels that hold many things. But sometimes we break and need to be put back together. Our brokenness changes us, makes us who we are. And so the painting on the outside of the bowl represents who we are on the outside, and the words on the inside of the bowl express all the hidden components that make us us. 

Materials: A ceramic bowl, plastic bag, gesso, hammer, watercolor, permanent markers, E-6000 glue, Folkart clearcote hi-shine glaze. Total time: 3-4 sessions.

Preparation Instructions: Since most ceramic bowls you have are probably already glazed you will need to paint gesso over the entire (inside & out) bowl so that the watercolor will stick. This part is time consuming so plan accordingly, you will need at least 3-4 coats of gesso.

*I suggest raiding your local thrift store for cheap cereal bowls, or if you have a…

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The No-Contact 7-Day Challenge ~ Quitting Your Narcissist


No Contact Guidelines that are reasonable and realistic.

Let Me Reach with Kim Saeed

Talk to the HandThe first step in recovering from Narcissistic abuse is going No Contact.  Yet, many people get stuck in this stage.  Whether it’s due to a need for closure, crippling self-esteem issues, a need for revenge, or the inability to let go, allowing your Ex to contact you (or you contacting your EX) will keep you in an endless cycle of misery and pain.

Often, our misery is the result of choices we make.  As humans, we are extremely creative in our ability to deny the negative consequences of those choices.  Unhealthy habits create suffering.  But, sometimes life seems too painful, and so short-cuts to relief are almost irresistible.  In other words, we are so addicted to the crazy cycles we’ve created with our Narcissistic partner, we find any excuse to let them back into our world so we can feel a momentary high.  But just as the alcoholic gives in…

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